Mini Boob Job – perfect curves for smaller, athletic and lean ladies

The Mini Boob Job – Small-sized breast implants for a more proportionate look

For years now a misconception has clouded the minds of many women around the world – the misconception that breast implants are only meant to give you a heavier, more voluptuous look. While many implants do help achieve this particular figure – the result depends entirely upon what you want. Perhaps a Mini Boob Job might be an alternative.

We understand that a large cleavage doesn’t always suit a petite frame, and is often not preferred by naturally lean, athletic women. But we’re here to help you achieve your best self. Breast implants can help you achieve a subtle, curvy figure without looking overdramatic or ‘fake’. If you’re a petite woman looking for just the right amount of curves – the Mini Boob Job is the perfect solution for you!

Choose Small breast implants for a big, beautiful change

Do you ever look at Hollywood A-listers and wish you too had a perfect body like them? Have you always longed for some curves on your slender frame? Breast augmentation surgeries usually give women large boobs that are very noticeable and don’t look natural. If it’s the ‘au naturel’ look you’re going for – then the Mini Boob Job is perfect for you.

No more feeling overly conscious about being pigeon chested, or about your lack of curves. A Mini Boob Job promises the perfect bust that gives you a more feminine, and fuller look but in a subtle, discreet way. These implants have recently been introduced to the world of cosmetic surgery, keeping in view the requirements and personal preferences of the petite crowd.

Download Mr Mark Gittos’ Guide to Cosmetic Breast Surgery

What exactly is a Mini Boob Job?

There was a time when the term breast augmentation surgery was synonymous with going back home with much larger and heavier boobs. However, we have now started noticing a great shift in interest amongst women. Many of our patients now prefer a more natural look, rather than going over the top with something that looks unreal. The trend now points in the direction of implants that are significantly smaller than the ones we’ve used in the past.

Thus the ‘Mini Boob Job’ or the ‘Mini Breast Augmentation’ came into being for those who prefer an au naturel look, but a noticeable improvement in overall body shape and aesthetics.

What does a Mini Boob Job do?

When you hear the words Breast Augmentation, you too probably think about very large, very full breasts that pretty much everyone known aren’t real. While they make look great, they’re certainly not preferred by everyone. For instance, women with smaller, slender frames choose not to go for large-sized implants knowing that their bodies might look out-of-proportion post-surgery. Moreover, opting for bigger implants means stepping in the direction of a pretty big change – a gamble, if you will. Which is where Mini Boob Jobs come into the picture.

If you’re naturally flat or pigeon chested, have a lean, athletic physique and are looking to get breast enhancement that is not ‘in-your-face’ obvious – you should go for a Mini Boob Job, or small sized breast implants.

What makes a Mini Boob Job different?

When it comes to breast augmentation, there isn’t much of a difference between a mini and a regular procedures. The primary difference lies in the size of the implant, and also the pocket that is surgically created to place it underneath the skin. Here are a few facts:

  • The size of implants used for Mini Boob Jobs is only 150-275cc
  • The type and material of the implant may also be different based on your preference, or as indicated by the surgeon
  • For larger sized implants, there needs to be a certain amount of glandular natural tissue present on the chest to support the implants – simply put, if a big implant is placed in a relatively flat chest, there are more chances of the surgery failing.
  • Implant failure can manifest as ‘bottoming out’ of the implant, or the stretching or rippling of the skin.

How does the Mini Boob Job differ from regular Breast Augmentation Surgery?

During standard breast augmentation surgeries, the size of implants that we typically use is between 275-400 cc. The size of implants that we use for Mini Boob Jobs however is always less than 275 cc, and ranges between 150-275 cc depending upon your personal preference and body type.

The surgery is very similar to standard breast augmentation procedures. The difference lies in three main areas:

  • The size of the implant
  • The type of implant used
  • The pocket-size, or the final positioning of the smaller implant

We don’t usually recommend mini boob jobs to just about everyone because they may not make a very prominent difference on some body types. With leaner, more petite frames, however, smaller implants can create just the right effect. While some women may prefer implants that result in larger, more prominent curves – others may want the ‘less is more’ impact with a smaller cleavage that fits a smaller frame.

Why would anyone want smaller breasts even after surgery?

We’ve seen that this particular procedure appeals more to those with a leaner, or a more petite body frame. You’ll notice that professional athletes, for instance, have a relatively small physique and therefore, a natural-looking breast enhancement suits their lifestyle, routine and their bodies in general.

This surgery offers added volume and better shape in a subtle yet impactful manner without dramatically transforming the body. The Mini Boob Job may be ideal for you if you have a small amount of natural glandular tissue in your breast which doesn’t offer the right shape or volume that you need. Smaller implants work best in this situation because for standard breast augmentation surgeries, a certain amount of natural tissue needs to be present to prevent failure of the surgery through stretching, rippling or ‘bottoming out’ of the implants.

It is common knowledge that the larger the size of the implant, the greater is the risk of premature sagging or ‘bottoming out’ of the prosthesis. Keeping this information in view, if you have a petite frame, then smaller implants can definitely offer you better results.

Can a Mini Boob Job give me natural-looking breasts?

We’ve said that the Mini Boob Job surgery appeals more to women with a leaner physique, but that’s not the limit procedure. It can give just about anyone a better volume and a better shape in the form of very natural-looking breasts.

We try our best to make sure that you’re prepared for the outcome of every surgery. Prior to the procedure, during the consultation session, we’ll take into consideration your expectations from the surgery, your general body type, height, weight, overall condition of the skin, and the amount of natural glandular breast tissue present. We’ll then tell you what type and size of implant is best suited for you, based on your personal preference as well as your body type.

If you want nothing but the best, most flawless results from your breast augmentation, it is important to choose a surgeon with the right qualifications and experience. A professional, licensed plastic surgeon can help you choose the right implant and the right size that will work best for you.

Why is it better for slender women to opt for Mini Boob Jobs instead of standard breast augmentation surgery?

Apart from the fact that smaller breast implants look more natural and beautiful on lean body types, our team of surgeons may also recommend this procedure to you for scientific reasons. Larger implants may be too big or too heavy for your delicate glandular tissue to support. This can cause damage to your skin, and eventually result in failure of the surgery.

When it comes to implants, in some cases, less is more. If you don’t want your boobs to look extremely huge and heavy on your otherwise petite frame, it’s always better to choose a Mini Boob Job. You’ll get the curves you want, but in a subtle, delicate, feminine and equally attractive way!

Why are smaller breast implants more suitable for certain women?

You must have heard the popular saying ‘less is more’ which applies aptly to the Mini Boob Job surgery. It’s perfectly alright to wonder why anyone would want to go under the knife to only end up with small breasts – but you’ll be surprised to know that less volume on the chest actually appeals to women with a certain body type.

Patients who have undergone breast reduction procedures can tell you about the countless social concerns, pains and physical inconveniences that too much breast weight can bring. Breasts come in all shapes and sizes – and while many women may prefer larger, more voluminous boobs, others like them be to more subtle and natural-looking.

Let’s consider an example. A professional athlete’s body is already quite lean from top to bottom and therefore large implants on this frame may not be practical, or suitable for her lifestyle/routine. This is why women with a petite body frame tend to opt for smaller implants that give just the right amount of volume to the breasts, as well as a subtle, but enhanced shape that looks and feels great!

How do I make up my mind about Mini Boob Jobs?

You’re beautiful the way you are. But if you feel that there is a tiniest bit of room for improvement – something that can boost your confidence, or help you carry yourself better, you should definitely go for it. Cosmetic procedures are all about helping you achieve the best version of yourself, and a Mini Boob Job can do just that.

Our team is comprised of some of the brightest, most qualified professionals in the country. During our consultation sessions, we’ll help you understand the surgery, and prepare you for a realistic outcome. We’ll offer you our opinion based on what will look best on you based on your height, weight, and general body type – and then allow you to make the final decision.

We’ll address any questions, queries or concerns that you may have regarding the procedure so you feel 100% comfortable walking into the office on the day of the surgery. Remember, the key to the best, most flawless results depends upon the aesthetic practitioner you choose. You need a licensed, experienced surgeon who will patiently explain to you the difference between regular and small sized implants, and which type suits you best.

Medical References and Sources

Finding a Breast Augmentation Surgeon in United Kingdom

For many women in United Kingdom, having breast augmentation is a life-changing experience. There are many qualified doctors, but it is always best to find one who is experienced in breast augmentation procedures. Breast implants come in many different shapes and sizes, and there are various insertion techniques, so find a reputable practitioner who can give good advice on the right implants for you. Before considering breast implants, it is wise to find a surgeon who is also up to speed with new non-invasive techniques for boosting the breasts, so you can investigate all the options before deciding on permanent surgical implants. Please avoid choosing a cheaper overseas option that lacks the ongoing support that a United Kingdom surgeon provides.

Always look for an experienced surgeon that you feel comfortable with and get a second opinion. If you’re still indecisive about the procedure, feel free to get in touch with our team.
You can contact us using this form to arrange to book a consultation with our Specialist Plastic Surgeon or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.

Send an enquiry form today or phone 09 529 5352 during Clinic Hours  

About Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) – London Plastic Surgeons 

Practice locations in London & Essex, UK and Auckland, New Zealand.

Mr Mark Gittos offers high quality, natural-looking cosmetic surgery results and is highly experienced in BreastBody and Face Surgery having performed over 4000 Surgeries in the last 26 years. 

With world-wide expertise Mr Gittos is an expert in breast, face and body surgery for men & women. 

Mr Mark Gittos is a leading Specialist Plastic Surgeon and operates a practice in London UK and Auckland New Zealand. His practice focuses on both surgical and non-surgical procedures, each designed to help restore, improve or change a physical characteristic or problem. The first step in every case is to talk through your personal requirements and explore all the options, before deciding on the most effective solution.

Naturally, before any treatment is begun, we will explain clearly the advantages and risk factors; so that you have the information you need to make an informed decision that is best for you. Visit the practice to find out more.


Do your Research

  • Read the Website and Blogs relevant to your procedure
  • Browse our Frequently Asked Questions including how to choose a Surgeon for your procedure
  • Download the Guides to Surgery

What to Bring to your Plastic Surgeon Consultation

  • Bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices
  • Take lots of notes and read the documents provided thoroughly
  • Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

Book your Initial Surgery Consultation

  • A Referral from your GP or specialist is helpful but NOT essential – you can have a consultation without a GP Referral
  • Email us or Call in London on 07557 858156  to arrange your surgeon consultation appointment.
  • Secure your consultation with Mr Gittos by paying the Consultation Fee in advance
  • A consultation with Dr Gittos is £195.

Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.

Send an enquiry form today or UK phone 07557 858156 during Clinic Hours

Mr Mark Gittos - Plastic Surgeon FRACS(Plas)