Breast Implant Removal with a Breast Lift by Mr Gittos in London United Kingdom
What is Breast Implant Removal with a Breast Lift Surgery?

Many patients seeking removal of Breast Implants may require a Fat Transfer or Breast Lift to reduce excess sagging skin and improve the overall results. If you currently have a breast implant, your skin has most likely stretched over the implant to accommodate it over time. This results in thinning of the skin and a reduction in its elastic properties. That is why when you have this implant removed, whether it may be due to a rupture of the implant or to replace the implant or if you want to have it permanently removed, the skin over the breast is most likely to sag and droop. This can make the breasts hang low and ruin the natural aesthetics of your physical appearance. This is why an explant procedure is often accompanied by additional fat transfer or a breast lift surgery, more commonly known as mastopexy. A Breast Implant Removal with a Breast Lift surgery may help.
A Breast Lift is an effective surgical procedure that removes the excess skin on the breast and tightens the breast tissue and surrounding tissues to give them a well defined and sculpted appearance. If needed, nipple and areola repositioning may be done at the same time. A Breast Lift is a medical procedure that elevates the breasts and changes their overall shape to give them a plump and perky appearance. As you age, experience weight gain or loss, get pregnant, or breastfeed, the breasts droop and start to become saggy that can prove to be a physical and psychological burden. The skin over the breasts also loses its elasticity, further improving the droopy appearance.
Download Mr Mark Gittos’ Guide to Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Am I a good candidate for a Breast Lift along with an Explant Procedure?
Implant removal results in a hollow cavity in the breast with thin breast skin and overstretched supporting structures. In this case, a breast lift is necessary to improve the appearance and the structure of the breast.
You may be a candidate for implant removal if:
- You are experiencing breast pain due to the implant
- You are dissatisfied with the implant size or your breasts appearance after the breast augmentation procedure
- You suffer from capsular contracture due to the implant
- Your implant has ruptured or moved, resulting in a change of breast shape.
- You no longer would like the hassle of the implant or don’t like the size of the implant anymore.
- You are scared of breast implant-associated disease.
You may choose to go for a breast lift after having your implant removed if you have prematurely saggy breasts due to the implant removal.
You are an ideal candidate for both surgeries if you are a non-smoker, physically healthy, have a stable weight, and are bothered by your implant, and would rather have it removed. You may also meet the criteria to undergo a breast lift procedure especially if you have naturally small breasts and had large breast implants which can exaggerate sagginess of the breast after implant removal.
Book a consultation now to further discuss these criteria with our board-certified specialists.

Benefits of Breast lift with an Implant Removal procedure
A Breast Lift after an implant removal procedure can restore the vitality of the breast and give them a youthful appearance. Your breasts will also become firmer and higher which can make you more confident in your personal and social life. A breast lift procedure ensures that small, light breasts remain firm and elevated after breast implant removal. This procedure has the best results on small, saggy breasts however it can be performed on any breast size.
Results of breast lift procedure may not be permanent for heavier, larger breasts but you should discuss that with your surgeon to make an informed decision.
Breast Lift with an Implant Removal Procedure and Steps
Breast Lift with an implant removal procedure is an outpatient medical procedure usually performed under general anesthesia and can take anywhere between two to three hours.
Your surgeon will remove your implant through the same incision through which the implant was placed in the initial procedure. After that, depending on the degree of sagging, your surgeon may choose one of the three incisions to perform the breast lift procedure:
- Donut Incision or Circumareolar Incision
Two concentric incisions are made around the areola through which excess tissue is removed. After that, both incisions are closed together to give the appearance of a single incision. This results in elevated breasts and is the incision of choice for breasts with minimal sagging.
- Lollipop Incision
An incision is made around the areola and another incision is made that runs vertically down to the bottom crease of the breast, giving a lollipop appearance. Excess tissue is removed and the associated structures are tightened and lifted to give the breast a higher appearance. This incision is the best option for those with moderate breast sagging.
- Anchor Incision or Inverted T Incision
This incision is recommended for women with severe breast sagging and is the most common choice for a breast lift procedure. Three incisions are made that give the appearance of an anchor; an incision around the areola, an incision running down the breast to the bottom crease, and an incision running horizontally along the bottom crease of the breast. Excess tissue will then be removed and the breast will be given a firmer appearance through the tightening of the associated structures.
All of these procedures may include an extra step of nipple-areola repositioning if needed.

Recovery from the Breast Lift and an Implant Removal Surgery
Complete recovery from the breast lift and an implant removal surgery may take up to six weeks. The recovery phase is marked by swelling, bruising, pain, and redness of the breast which can be easily managed using pain management medication your surgeon may prescribe to you. You may also experience mild discomfort throughout the first week or so but it will subside with time.
You will be wearing a compressive garment, after the surgery, to reduce the swelling and improve the healing process. After the compressive garment is removed, you are recommended to wear a sports bra for the rest of the recovery period.
You must absolutely refrain from any strenuous physical activities for the first couple of weeks and can resume exercising six weeks after the surgery. The sixth week is also when the results of your breast -lift become apparent and visible.
You can return to work after the first ten days if you feel comfortable and are not experiencing any discomfort.
Risks and Complications of a Breast Lift with an implant removal Surgery
A breast lift and implant removal are surgical procedures, and just like any other surgical procedure, have certain risks and complications that may arise during or after the procedures.
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Blood accumulation in the breast, requiring drainage
- Fluid collection in the breast
- Thick scars formation
- Delayed or complicated wound healing
- Loss of sensation in the breast or nipple, which is only temporary
- Numbness, also temporary
- Uneven breasts
- Blood loss resulting in loss of nipple and areola, partially or completely.
Your Surgery Journey

This marks the first phase of your breast lift and an explant procedure journey. During your consultation, your surgeon will discuss the reasons why you would like to have your implant removed and if a breast lift may be needed after the procedure or not. You can decide to have the breast lift in the same procedure or wait and have it done later.
You can also talk to Mr Gittos about replacing the same implant or an implant of a smaller size if you are interested. Your surgeon will also take a detailed medical and personal history during your consultation. You will undergo a physical examination to assess your breast shape and structure, along with an evaluation of your previous scar from the implant placement surgery.
It is very important to be candid about your expectations from the implant removal and the breast lift procedure.
The entire procedure takes up to three hours and is performed as an outpatient procedure. You will be given general anesthesia and the implant will be removed through the same incision from the implant placement procedure.
After the implant has been removed, your surgeon will assess the droopiness of the breast, and accordingly, choose one of the three incisions and techniques to perform a breast lift. Along with a breast lift, the nipple and areola may also be repositioned to restore the breast aesthetics.
The recovery phase is the last part of your surgical journey and can take up to six weeks. For the first couple of weeks, you will be wearing a compression garment to manage the swelling which is quite often present. After that, you should wear a sports bra to facilitate the healing process.
There will be marked swelling, bruising, and redness of the breast during the healing process. This will resolve by the sixth week which is when the results of the surgery will become visible.
You must avoid any strenuous physical activities during the recovery phase as to not complicate the wound healing and cause undesired effects.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take for the results of the breast lift and explant procedure to become visible?
- The results of this procedure may become completely visible six weeks after the procedure and may change as swelling goes down over 12 months. Results may not be visible at all right after the surgery since there is marked swelling and bruising of the breast.
Will I have a visible scar?
- Depending on your incisions, the scars may be visible for a while after the surgery. Usually, surgeons hide the scars in the natural creases of the breast to prevent any visible scars. However, some scars may be visible right after surgery but will eventually disappear, that is, turn white and blend with the normal skin.
How tight should be by post-surgery bra?
- Your post-surgery bra should be snug but not too tight as that can cause pain. Your compressive bra is bound to cause some pain due to the swelling and bruising but as far as it is not extreme or debilitating, your compressive bra fit is completely appropriate.
What happens if I don’t wear a compression bra after the surgery?
- If you choose to not wear a compressive garment or bra after the surgery, it may prolong the healing time and the swelling may persist for longer than usual. There is also a strong possibility of breast asymmetry and lopsidedness if a compression garment is not worn. It is best that you discuss this with your surgeon prior to the surgery.
Who is a Celebrity who have had a Breast Lift with an implant removal procedure?
- Demi Moore – This 58-year-old American actress and producer has had her fair share of cosmetic and plastic surgery to enhance her appearance. Early in her career as an actress, she had breast augmentation surgery with implants. However, soon after, she had the implants removed and consequently underwent a breast lift to restore the appearance of her breast.
Is Breast Lift after an explant Procedure Worth it?
Getting an implant removed, regardless of the reason, is a practical and safe choice for everyone. However, after the implant is removed, your breasts may have a hollow cavity present that gives them a deflated and droopy appearance. This can negatively affect your self-image and confidence. There is a chance that the cavity may be filled by the supporting tissue and adhesions, but those can cause a rippling effect on the skin of your breast. Also, the breasts will still be saggy in appearance. The risks and complications associated with this procedure are minimal and can be eliminated by opting for a well-skilled, board-certified surgeon.
All in all, the breast lift procedure after an implant removal is totally worth it. Book a consultation now to further discuss this procedure and if it’s the right choice for you.
Further Medical Reading
Why Choose Dr. Mark Gittos?
Dr. Mark Gittos is a board-certified specialist plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience under his belt. He has received his training from France, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and United Kingdom and is currently settled in London. He approaches each case with compassion and up-to-date techniques to achieve the desired results and guarantee patient satisfaction.
About Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) – London Plastic Surgeons
Practice locations in London & Essex, UK and Auckland, New Zealand.
Mr Mark Gittos offers high quality, natural-looking cosmetic surgery results and is highly experienced in Breast, Body and Face Surgery having performed over 4000 Surgeries in the last 26 years.
With world-wide expertise Mr Gittos is an expert in breast, face and body surgery for men & women.
Mr Mark Gittos is a leading Specialist Plastic Surgeon and operates a practice in London UK and Auckland New Zealand. His practice focuses on both surgical and non-surgical procedures, each designed to help restore, improve or change a physical characteristic or problem. The first step in every case is to talk through your personal requirements and explore all the options, before deciding on the most effective solution.
Naturally, before any treatment is begun, we will explain clearly the advantages and risk factors; so that you have the information you need to make an informed decision that is best for you. Visit the practice to find out more.

Do your Research
- Read the Website and Blogs relevant to your procedure
- Browse our Frequently Asked Questions including how to choose a Surgeon for your procedure
- Download the Guides to Surgery
What to Bring to your Plastic Surgeon Consultation
- Bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices
- Take lots of notes and read the documents provided thoroughly
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- A Referral from your GP or specialist is helpful but NOT essential – you can have a consultation without a GP Referral
- Email us or Call in London on 07557 858156 to arrange your surgeon consultation appointment.
- Secure your consultation with Mr Gittos by paying the Consultation Fee in advance
- A consultation with Dr Gittos is £195.
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