Breast Reduction Surgery in London United Kingdom
- Heavy, Saggy or Droopy Breasts?
- Suffering from Shoulder Pain or Back Ache?
- Want to find a bra or clothes that fit easily?

What is a Breast Reduction?
Breast Reduction surgery, Reduction Mammaplasty or a ‘Boob Reduction’ removes fat, glandular tissue and skin. You achieve the smaller breasts, improved shape and uplift that you want. Where one of your breasts is noticeably different in size, shape or position than the other breast this operation can make them more even.
The procedure can improve the shape, appearance, and size of heavy breasts. The area treated is the breast and can also improve skin ptosis. The aim of breast reduction is to relieve the weight of large, heavy breasts and improve physical discomfort, skin chaffing, and indentations in the skin.
Download Mr Mark Gittos’ Guide to Breast Reduction Surgery – Reduction Mammaplasty

What are the Benefits of a Breast Reduction Procedure?
- Reduce back, neck and shoulder pain
- Improve the position, shape and appearance of the breast mound and areola nipple complex
- Reduce breast volume (weight and size)
- Reshape and reposition the breasts and nipples
In addition to a more attractive shape and position, the back and neck strain that you previously experienced will go. The breast tissue that is removed is sent off for examination. Your risk of Breast Cancer is lowered as you now have less breast tissue with the potential for cancerous change.
Watch Mr Gittos explain Breast Reduction Surgery
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?
- Are you unhappy with the size, position or weight of your breasts (they are large, heavy in weight, saggy – or all three).?
- Clothing, swimsuits, gym gear and well-fitted bras are nearly impossible to find due to the size of your upper body/breast area.
- Your breasts cause physical discomfort, neck or back pain and chronic skin irritations as well as bra strap indentations.
- Breasts aren’t symmetric in size.
- Your breasts cause you self-consciousness or make you look heavier than you really are (they disguise your rib cage and waist due to where they sit).
- As well as being unhappy with the size, position or weight of your breasts, you are concerned about the positioning of your nipples and would like them to sit at a more central location on your chest.
Breast Reduction Before and After Photos

- You can see actual patient photos of Breast Reduction Surgery performed by our Specialist Plastic Surgeon when you visit the London Clinic.
Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure
Your operation would be performed while you’re under general anaesthetic and takes between two to three hours to complete. Excess breast tissue is gently removed and the breast-nipple complex is reshaped and elevated to meet your pre-operative requirements. We provide a supportive Bra to wear from the end of the procedure. You will usually stay in hospital overnight once the procedure is completed.
The procedure requires an incision to be made on the breast, however the type of incision will be based on discussions with your surgeon.
There are 3 common breast reduction incisions used by surgeons for a breast reduction including:
- Peri-Areolar – commonly known as the doughnut incision, this incision is made only around the nipple and is less common due to complications with nipple sensation and nipple functions
- Le Jour Method – also known as a lollipop incision that is made around the nipple and down the lower pole
- Anchor Technique – a surgical incision is made under the breasts, up the lower pole, and around the nipple
Mr Gittos prefers to use the Anchor Technique as it provides a longer-lasting aesthetic result.
Your nipples remain attached but are repositioned. The areola is reduced by excising skin at the perimeter, if necessary. In some cases, for extremely large breasts, the nipple and areola may need to be removed and transplanted to a high position on the breast.
The incisions are then brought together to reshape your reduced, smaller breasts. Dissolvable sutures may be layered within the breast tissue to create and support the newly shaped breasts. They are also used to close the skin.
Medications and General Anaesthesia are there for your comfort during your breast reduction procedure. After the incisions are made, excess breast tissue, skin and fat will be removed, and your breasts will be lifted and shaped. Liposuction is sometimes used to reduce chest area skin folds and assist in creating a pleasing shape.
The final results may be obscured by swelling. However, swelling will begin to minimise within the first two weeks and will continue to improve throughout recovery. Follow instructions to assist with healing and minimisation of surgical scars. Don’t do too much too soon!
Risks and Complications of Breast Reduction Surgery
Like all surgical procedures, Breast Reduction surgery has risks and complications. Your Surgeon will make you aware of potential complications during your consultation and how these can be avoided, including:
- Skin or wound infection
- Changes to nipple sensation including loss of feeling/sensation changes to the breasts
- Potential disruption of nipple functions that may impede breastfeeding
- Breast asymmetry or uneven nipples
- Scars or skin markings, dimples or inverted nipples
- Other risks of surgery in general such as having anaesthesia, circulatory risks and bleeding
- Unfavourable scarring
- Blood clots
- Poor wound healing
- Breast contour and shape irregularities

Recovery after Breast Reduction Surgery
The length of your recovery period will depend on your procedure and other health and lifestyle factors. Recovery times can vary from person to person.
The general rule, however, is that you should allow 10-14 days for initial recovery following your Breast Reduction surgery. Scar maturation often takes longer, up to a year or more. You will be required to wear a firmly-fitted support garment after surgery for the period of time a surgeon advises.
Naturally there will be a little bruising and swelling for few days after surgery. Often to our patients’ surprise, discomfort after a Breast Reduction is uncommon but we still prescribe painkillers to optimise your comfort. Dissolving stitches are used under the skin-these don’t leave markings and do not have to be removed.
Light office duties or other tasks may be resumed in about 2 weeks for most patients, however this can vary. Longer periods are often required before resuming certain lifting or exercising activities – ask your Surgeon how long before you can start exercising, lifting children or grandchildren, and other heavy lifting or strenuous activities. No heavy lifting for several weeks to a few months.
We will arrange weekly appointments with our specialist nursing team after the procedure to ensure everything is healing well and to monitor your progress. You will see your consultant six to eight weeks later. It’s important to relax when you get home and avoid stretching, pulling, heavy lifting or hard exercise for at least six weeks.
The clinic will also advise you about using post-op garments. Good results depend on a collaborative approach and a healthy lifestyle. Follow instructions given to you by your Surgeon, and attend all post-operative appointments. Remember to follow post-op instructions precisely for a faster recovery.
In general, gentle walking is typically able to be resumed in a few days after surgery. Your Surgeon will advise you, depending on which type of exercise you’re wanting to perform. Running, high impact or strenuous exercises need to be avoided until the time your surgeon says it’s okay.

Costs – How much is a Breast Reduction in London?
All Surgery is customised and your surgeon will give you a price for surgery depending on the type of procedure you are having, the hospital you attend and the length of your stay.
After your initial consultation, you will be given a detailed quote. This will include the Surgeon’s fee, Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee and the hospital fees.
We can also provide information on Payment Plans, Finance, Private Health Insurance and different methods of payment.
How to find a Breast Reduction Surgeon in United Kingdom
For many women in United Kingdom, having a breast reduction is a life-changing experience. There are many qualified plastic surgeons, but it is always best to find one who is highly experienced in breast reduction procedures. Always Look for an experienced surgeon that you feel comfortable with and get a second opinion.
Why Choose Mr Mark Gittos – London Plastic Surgeon?
With a wealth of experience and training, Mr Gittos is dedicated to best practice patient care and education, customising Breast Enlargement Surgery for each and every patient to best meet their needs and desired surgical outcomes. Mr Gittos has a current FRACS membership and significant breast surgery experience in top Medical facilities.
About Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) – London Plastic Surgeons
Practice locations in London & Essex, UK and Auckland, New Zealand.
Mr Mark Gittos offers high quality, natural-looking cosmetic surgery results and is highly experienced in Breast, Body and Face Surgery having performed over 4000 Surgeries in the last 26 years.
With world-wide expertise Mr Gittos is an expert in breast, face and body surgery for men & women.
Mr Mark Gittos is a leading Specialist Plastic Surgeon and operates a practice in London UK and Auckland New Zealand. His practice focuses on both surgical and non-surgical procedures, each designed to help restore, improve or change a physical characteristic or problem. The first step in every case is to talk through your personal requirements and explore all the options, before deciding on the most effective solution.
Naturally, before any treatment is begun, we will explain clearly the advantages and risk factors; so that you have the information you need to make an informed decision that is best for you. Visit the practice to find out more.

Do your Research
- Read the Website and Blogs relevant to your procedure
- Browse our Frequently Asked Questions including how to choose a Surgeon for your procedure
- Download the Guides to Surgery
What to Bring to your Plastic Surgeon Consultation
- Bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices
- Take lots of notes and read the documents provided thoroughly
- Want more information before scheduling your consultation?
Book your Initial Surgery Consultation
- A Referral from your GP or specialist is helpful but NOT essential – you can have a consultation without a GP Referral
- Email us or Call in London on 07557 858156 to arrange your surgeon consultation appointment.
- Secure your consultation with Mr Gittos by paying the Consultation Fee in advance
- A consultation with Dr Gittos is £195.
Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.
Send an enquiry form today or UK phone 07557 858156 during Clinic Hours