Face Surgery by Mr Mark Gittos, Specialist Facial Plastic Surgeon in London United Kingdom
Mr Mark Gittos can help you achieve a facial appearance that reflects the ‘real you’. We offer you all the key Facial Surgery and nonsurgical facial procedures at the very highest standards.
- Upper & Lower Eyelid Surgery or Blepharoplasty
- Neck lift or Platysmaplasty
- Mini Facelift
- Facelift Surgery or Rhytidectomy
- Brow lift or Forehead Lift
- Upper Lip Lift
- Facial implants
- Prominent Ear correction or Otoplasty
Download Mr Mark Gittos’ Guide to Facial Rejuvenation Surgery – Surgical and Non Surgical Anti-Aging

What is Face Surgery?
Face Surgery can help improve your Facial appearance. When you need more than non Surgical Facial Rejuvenation procedures like anti-wrinkle or filler injections, Face Surgery may help. A mini facelift, an upper or lower facelift or a full facelift combined with a necklift can improve your appearance. A Full Facelift, medically known as a Rhytidectomy can be an option for some patients with a lot of loose skin and tissues.
Your face says a lot more than any other part, and as such is the first thing others notice on you. Unfortunately, like other parts of our body, our face is not resistant to age and external influences. Moreover, one of the first indicators of signs of aging, weight gain, or other physical changes is visible on your face. Wrinkles become deeper and more permanent, skin tone and musculature weakens. Satisfaction with your appearance not only affects your level of general health but also raises self-confidence, increases the chances of success in school, professional, and social life.
Face Plastic surgery can rejuvenate and reshape your face and other facial features according to your wishes. There are many non-invasive facial procedures, but the results of these are short-term, and less effective long term. If you are looking for a more permanent and visible solution, facial surgery may be the right choice for you.
Am I a Good Candidate for Face Surgery?
Like all surgical procedures, the best plastic surgery is one that is individually created for each patient. Every face is different and has different characteristics. But there are certain conditions that must be met in order to be a good candidate for facial surgery.
In the case of facial surgery, your age, genetics and past skincare regime and the current degree of dissatisfaction with your appearance will determine whether you are a good candidate.
You should be:
- A person with good overall health
- Be a Non-smoker or refrain from Smoking at least 6 weeks before or after surgery
- Someone with realistic expectations about surgery
- A person not suffering from medical conditions as diabetes, high blood pressure, bleeding disorder, heart disease, or depression.
- Someone without other medical conditions that can impair healing or increase the risk of surgery
Benefits Of Face Surgery
Unfortunately, changes in our face are the first indicator of ageing and the changes we experience can cause a number of negative effects and consequences on our self esteem and confidence. Facial surgeries are in high demand among the middle-aged and elderly population. The type of surgical procedure itself is selected by a specialist surgeon according to detailed preoperative analyzes and the wishes and needs of the individual patient.
Mr Gittos’ patients generally achieve a refreshed, natural, and rested look rather than a pulled and obviously ‘operated on’ look.
It is important to note that the benefits of facial surgery are individual, as is the procedure itself. Some may notice smaller and more subtle changes, while in others the changes may be more extensive.
Regardless of whether the benefits of surgery represent an aesthetic or functional improvement for you, most patients feel better and more confident after opting for facet surgery.
Popular Facial Surgery Procedures
Some of the facial surgeries are among the most sought after and most performed plastic surgeries in general. For example, Eyelid Surgery is the third most performed corrective surgery in the world, followed by Face Lifting.
Every year, more and more people opt for these aesthetic procedures, but also for lesser-known ones that improve the appearance of the face and facial features.
Some of these surgeries are individual procedures, while some procedures require combined procedures to achieve the desired appearance. The most famous facial surgeries include:
Full Facelift or SMAS Facelift
Face lifting is the most common rejuvenation surgery. The goal of this intervention is to remove the tired look by removing excess skin and tightening the deeper connective structure of the face in order to achieve a harmonious and youthful appearance.
A SMAS Facelift is a surgical technique used to attain a more youthful position of your facial skin and underlying structures of your face. The focus of this surgical procedure is mostly on the lower area of the face and neck, which are most often the most visible and most prone to changes.
The Mini Facelift is a less invasive form of Facelift that is the perfect solution for all those whose facial changes require less extensive surgery.
Brow Lift, or Forehead Lift, is the process of tightening the skin and raising sagging eyebrows by removing excess skin and fat and correcting muscles.
The neck is one of the first regions to show the first signs of the aging process. The wrinkled neck gives the impression of age, and with the help of this procedure, a healthier and more harmonious appearance with more pronounced contours is obtained.
Ear Pinning Pinnaplasty or Ear Reduction Otoplasty
Protruding ears are often a major aesthetic problem, as a result of which people often have a lack of self-confidence. This simple surgical procedure, also possible under local anesthesia, will correct the look of your ears and give you the look you have been dreaming of.
For functional or aesthetic reasons, nose surgery can help improve your looks and breathing. Whether your nose is too big, too wide, crooked, bent or broken. A Nose Job like a Rhinoplasty or Septoplasty Procedure can help restore your facial balance. A Revision Rhinoplasty surgery may also be required in the future as your nose ages and changes with time.
Facial Implants for Chin Augmentation Surgery or Chin Implants
A large number of patients face the appearance problem of the lower third of the face, in which the undesirable look of the chin predominates. This procedure can achieve a more pronounced and attractive appearance of the chin, and the methods can be various, from implant placement to fat tissue transfer.
Upper Lip Lift or Bull Horm Lip lift
Lip Lift is an operation that solves deviations in the lower third of the face caused by a lowered lip. It is a surgical procedure that corrects and reshapes the aesthetic appearance of the lips.
Fat Transfer To Face
Fat Transfer to the face refers to the method of processing and purifying fat for use as an injectable filler in order to achieve certain results in the facial area, especially a more harmonious and youthful appearance.
Recovery After Facial Surgery
Recovery is as important as the operative procedure itself. Each recovery is individual and determined by the patient’s age, general health condition, but also the experience of your specialist surgeon and the extent of the surgical procedure. resting is vitally important for healing. Remember – If you feel good, you heal good!
As each plastic procedure is individual, so is the time and difficulty of recovery. But there are a few universal facts that apply to all plastic and aesthetic surgeries. Most importantly, following the surgeon’s instructions can greatly determine recovery as successful, quick, and painless. Following these instructions will help you get back to your daily life and activities as soon as possible.
Also, when Mr Gittos schedules a follow-up appointment, it is important that you attend it so that he can monitor your results and ensure a quick and stable recovery.
For more information on recovery, you can visit our page with instructions and guidelines to help you get your recovery going as smoothly as possible.
How Much is Facial Surgery? Prices and Costs
Prices largely depend on the type of plastic surgery, the extent of the procedure, and the patient himself. It is impossible to set a fixed price before going through a thorough consultation with your renewed specialist surgeon and expressing your wishes and expectations.
Most cosmetic face surgery procedures do not fall under Medicare-covered procedures. As a rule, all procedures that have only an aesthetic character are not covered by health insurance, while those that impair the functionality of your body and life are mostly covered. It is important to consult with your provider to find out which procedures fall into the group of those funded by health insurance funds.
You can visit our pricing page to learn more about payment, approximate prices, payment methods, and more.
Further Reading – Medical References
Complications and Risks of Facial Surgery
Every surgery comes with certain risks and complications. Some procedures come with more potential risks than others, so side effects are possible and conditioned by the extent of the procedure, the patient’s health condition, age, but also the skill of your specialist surgeon. Inexperienced surgeons who are not specialists in the field of surgery can greatly influence the outcome and results.
It is important that you ask your specialist surgeon anything you are interested in about the possible side effects that come with facial surgery. The best plastic surgeon will always be ready to answer any questions you have.
Like any invasive procedure, the most common possible risks and complications are:
- Bleeding
- Hematoma
- Infections
- Implant rupture
- Pain
- Seroma or fluid build-up
- Loss of sensation in the chest area
- Unsightly or Keloid Scars
- Risk of poor reaction to anesthesia
Visit our page on the general risks of surgery for more information
FAQ About Facial Surgery
Can surgery change your face shape?
- Yes, and this can be achieved in different ways. We recommend that you contact us so that we can refer you to the right specialist surgeon for you.
Can face surgery change my smile?
- Yes. Some of the surgeries can greatly change the shape of your smile, especially if it is obstructed by a sagging lip or sagging skin.
Does Face Surgery hurt?
- Most patients feel mild discomfort and low levels of pain that are very easy to manage with prescribed medications.
Finding a Face Surgeon in London
For many men & women in United Kingdom suffering from a prematurely aged face, having facial surgery can be a life-changing experience. There are many qualified facial experts and plastic surgeons, but it is always best to find one who is experienced in a range of face surgery procedures. Find an experienced surgeon who you feel comfortable with and have a look at their results and online reviews to find out what their past patients say.
Why Choose Mr Mark Gittos – London Plastic Surgeon?
With a wealth of surgical experience and training, Mr Gittos is dedicated to best-practice patient care and education, customising Face Surgery for each and every patient to best meet their needs and desired surgical outcomes.
Make an Appointment for a Face Consultation with Mr Gittos
If you would like to discuss facial rejuvenation, please call to make an appointment with Dr. Mark Gittos in London, United Kingdom. Dr. Mark is a plastic surgeon who is experienced in treating facial ageing. Book a consultation to get a full assessment of your face and learn about your many treatment options.