Hand Tumours: Ganglions, Cysts, and Others
Several types of tumours grow on the hands and wrists and they can all be usually surgically excised by a hand surgeon. The word “tumour” does not necessarily mean cancer. A tumour is any tissue mass that grows abnormally, and this includes both malignant and benign tumours. In fact, most tumours of the hand are benign in nature.
Some of the common tumours of the hand include ganglion cysts, giant cell tendon sheath tumours, epidermal inclusion cysts, among others and they can come in any shape or size. Warts and moles are technically also tumours, however, they arise in the skin and not exclusively in the hand itself, so we won’t be discussing them here.
The surgical excision of hand tumours is usually simple and curative. Dr. Mark Gittos in London, United Kingdom is a plastic surgeon and hand surgery expert. He offers surgical and non-surgical treatment for the different types of hand tumours.

Types of hand tumours
Ganglion cysts
- Ganglion cysts are frequent hand tumours that predominantly appear near the wrist or at the base of the fingers. They are fluid-filled hard masses that can be felt under the skin and may grow to cause a bulge. They are usually round and firm and do not cause any pain when palpated. Since these tumours are harmless in most cases, your doctor might recommend only observation. If you wish to have a ganglion cyst removed, Dr. Mark can either surgically excise the tumour or use a needle to drain the fluid out and shrink it.
Giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath
- These tumours arise in the tendon sheath, which is the tissue surrounding the tendons in your hands and wrist. In contrast to ganglion cysts, giant cell tumours of the tendon sheath are solid and not fluid-filled. They tend to grow slowly and are completely benign.
Epidermal inclusion cyst
- This type of hand tumour is also completely benign. Many times, this growth appears somewhere on the hand or finger where you had a previous puncture or cut wound. The tumour usually contains a waxy fluid that consists of keratin.
Other hand tumour types
- Less common tumour types that can grow in your hand include lipomas (fatty tumours), neuromas (nerve tumours), fibromas, and others. Nearly all of these tumours are benign.
- Dupuytren’s contracture might sometimes cause the thickened tissues in your palm to look and feel like a true tumour. Nevertheless, these contractures are not technically tumoural growths and are a whole independent disease entity. Dr. Mark also offers evaluation and treatment for Dupuytren’s contracture as well.
Diagnosis of Hand Tumours

Dr. Mark will start by asking you a few questions about your symptoms, medical history, life habits, and home medications. He will then examine your hands and compare them to each other. Dr. Mark will palpate the mass and try to predict its origin. In some cases, he might order further testing to confirm the diagnosis before surgery. X-ray, CT, and MRI, are all imaging tests that might be ordered to see the tumour and better assess its nature. In some cases, he might perform a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis if there’s any doubt.
Treatment of Hand Tumours

Most hand tumours can be observed and do not require treatment, however, if you find them cosmetically unappealing or if they’re causing you discomfort, Dr. Mark can offer you the necessary surgical treatment. Another reason why surgery might be recommended is if the tumour is changing in size, which might indicate cancerous potential.
Surgical removal of hand tumours can be done under local or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia means that you will be awake during the procedure, however, you won’t feel any pain. This is generally the case when the procedure is performed at the office. General anesthesia requires a hospital, where you will be put to sleep while Dr. Mark operates.
Taking into consideration the size and location of the hand tumour, Dr. Mark will perform a skin incision above or around it. He will then separate the tumour from the surrounding tissue and remove it. The skin of the hand is then closed with fine stitches and a gauze dressing is applied.
The time of surgery can vary widely depending on your specific case.
Complications and Risks of Hand Surgery

Hand surgery incurs risks and complications like all invasive surgery. Mr Gittos will make you aware of potential complications during your consultation. This includes general anaesthesia risks, bleeding (Hematoma), infection, wound healing, deep vein thrombosis, scarring and numbness. Always stay informed and healthy, do NOT smoke before or after your procedure and read & understand your risks of surgery.
Medical Sources for Further Reading
- ASSH Article on Wrist hand Tumours
- interesting Article on Hand Tumours
- Orthoinfo Article on Ganglion Cyst
- NHS Article on Tendons
Finding a Hand Surgeon in London UK
For many men & women in United Kingdom suffering from hand or finger pain, having hand surgery is a life-changing experience. There are many qualified hand experts and plastic surgeons, but it is always best to find one who is experienced in hand surgery procedures. Find an experienced surgeon who you feel comfortable with and have a look at their online reviews to find out what their past patients say.
Why Choose Mr Mark Gittos?
Dr. Mark Gittos is a plastic surgeon in London, United Kingdom who has extensive experience in treating hand tumours such as ganglion cysts, giant cell tumours of the tendon sheath, epidermal inclusion cysts, and others. Mr Gittos has a current FRACS membership and significant hand surgery experience. Call us to book an appointment or to learn more about the services we offer.
Make an Appointment for a Hand Consultation with Mr Gittos
If you have any symptoms that might be related to a hand tumour, give us a call to make an appointment with Dr. Mark Gittos in London, United Kingdom. Dr. Mark is a plastic surgeon who is experienced in treating a wide range of hand disorders, such as trigger finger, De Quervain’s syndrome, cubital and radial tunnel syndromes, carpal tunnel syndrome, ligament disorders, and tumours or ganglions. Come visit us to get a full assessment of your condition and learn about your treatment options.
About Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) – London Plastic Surgeons
Practice locations in London & Essex, UK and Auckland, New Zealand.
Mr Mark Gittos offers high quality, natural-looking cosmetic surgery results and is highly experienced in Breast, Body and Face Surgery having performed over 4000 Surgeries in the last 26 years.
With world-wide expertise Mr Gittos is an expert in breast, face and body surgery for men & women.
Mr Mark Gittos is a leading Specialist Plastic Surgeon and operates a practice in London UK and Auckland New Zealand. His practice focuses on both surgical and non-surgical procedures, each designed to help restore, improve or change a physical characteristic or problem. The first step in every case is to talk through your personal requirements and explore all the options, before deciding on the most effective solution.
Naturally, before any treatment is begun, we will explain clearly the advantages and risk factors; so that you have the information you need to make an informed decision that is best for you. Visit the practice to find out more.

Do your Research
- Read the Website and Blogs relevant to your procedure
- Browse our Frequently Asked Questions including how to choose a Surgeon for your procedure
- Download the Guides to Surgery
What to Bring to your Plastic Surgeon Consultation
- Bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices
- Take lots of notes and read the documents provided thoroughly
- Want more information before scheduling your consultation?
Book your Initial Surgery Consultation
- A Referral from your GP or specialist is helpful but NOT essential – you can have a consultation without a GP Referral
- Email us or Call in London on 07557 858156 to arrange your surgeon consultation appointment.
- Secure your consultation with Mr Gittos by paying the Consultation Fee in advance
- A consultation with Dr Gittos is £195.
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