Nose Reshaping – Rhinoplasty Surgery – Nose Job in London United Kingdom
- Do you have a Bent or Broken Nose?
- Maybe an overly prominent out-of-proportion Nose or Significant Dorsal Hump?
- Having difficulty Breathing or Sleeping due to a restricted airway?

What is a Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)?
A Rhinoplasty or Nose Job is a Surgery procedure to reshape or reconstruct the nose. A Rhinoplasty can enhance the appearance of the nose by adjusting the size, shape, length or other proportions of the nose. Surgery may also be an option to adjust the nose tip or nostril area. Lots of people feel self-conscious about their nose, whether because of an inherently unusual shape, or because of injury. Having rhinoplasty – the well-known ‘nose job’ – can really help boost your self-confidence and self-image. If you are having difficulty breathing this can be combined with a Septoplasty for a Septo-Rhinoplasty Procedure
Corrective Rhinoplasty can help restore functionality to the nasal area or reduce breathing problems related to nose injuries or nasal deformities, such as repairing a deviated septum (Septo-rhinoplasty). A Rhinoplasty involves a number of procedures that reshape your nose while avoiding impinging on nasal functionality.
Download Mr Mark Gittos’ Guide to Nose Surgery – Rhinoplasty

Benefits of Rhinoplasty Surgery
- Facial Harmony
- Balanced Features
- Better Breathing and Sleep
- Improved Confidence
Watch Mr Gittos explain Rhinoplasty Surgery
Am I a Good Candidate for a Nose Job?
Rhinoplasty Surgery may be a good solution for achieving a more symmetrical, proportionate or facially balanced appearance.
Rhinoplasty Surgery appeals to most individuals who are unhappy with the size, shape or overall appearance of their nose. If you are extremely self-conscious about the appearance of your nose or your side profile, you may want to explore your surgical options.
You may require Corrective Rhinoplasty techniques if you suffer from breathing problems, a deviated nasal septum, a collapsed nasal bridge or some forms of sleep apnea (snoring).
To be considered a suitable candidate for Nose Surgery, you must have realistic expectations about what Rhinoplasty surgery can, and cannot, achieve. Whilst nose surgery may improve the appearance of your nose when performed by a highly-skilled Surgeon, surgery is unlikely to be life-changing. Revision requests are not uncommon.
Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos

CLICK HERE to see more real patient Before and After Rhinoplasty Surgery Photos by Mr Mark Gittos
What Can I Expect During Nose Surgery?
Nose Surgery can be performed as Open or Close Surgery.
An Open Rhinoplasty will require a small incision across the central part of the base of the nose (columella). This type of incision allows the entire skin over the nasal cartilage to be lifted up. This allows your Plastic Surgeon to access the underlying cartilage and nasal bones, which can then be surgically adjusted or reshaped.
A Closed Rhinoplasty requires small incisions within the nostrils, therefore resulting in no visible scarring. The Surgeon then completes the procedure through a small hole made inside the nose. Because the nasal skin is not elevated or lifted, this typically means your Surgeon will have less ability to make precise changes. Hence, this type of nose surgery may not suit most patients.
Medications and General Anaesthesia are administered for your comfort during your rhinoplasty procedure.
Incisions – After the incisions are created, your Surgeon strategically reshapes the inner bones of your nose, reducing or rearranging nasal cartilage as required to provide you with a more aesthetically pleasing nose appearance OR improved function.
Adjustments – After your Plastic Surgeon adjusts the nose shape, size, tip, width or other aspects of your nasal structures, sutures are then used to close your incisions.
Your Rhinoplasty Surgery Procedure
The exact procedure that you have will depend on your personal goals and the nature of what needs to be done. We can reshape your nose to make it smaller and to give a subtlety curved or straight profile, your nostrils can be sculpted, bumps can be removed or the tip can be altered. Some ethnic groups wish for a longer more European looking nose and this may be achieved by special techniques.
Where there are problems with breathing due to a crooked wall (nasal septum) between the nasal airways a Septoplasty is performed to straighten the septum, unblock to the nose and to restore breathing.
Your operation will take place under general anaesthetic and you may wish to stay in hospital overnight afterwards. The rhinoplasty may be performed by the “open” approach which involves a tiny incision hidden at the base of the columellar and in the nostrils. This technique allows a precise result by providing optimal exposure of the nasal anatomy.
Your surgeon will carefully fit a splint to your nose after the procedure to maintain its new shape, and this should be worn for about a week. It is unusual for internal nasal packing to be used.
Recovery After Rhinoplasty Surgery
Your recovery and healing period begins after surgery. Please be aware that you must be extremely patient as you recover from nose surgery. You are unlikely to see your surgery results for several months, due to the extended healing periods that are involved with facial surgery. It helps to know what to expect. Some swelling may persist for up to a year.
The length of your recovery period after nose surgery will depend on your anatomy, general health and the specifics of your procedure. Recovery processes and healing time frames can also vary significantly from person to person. Your lifestyle and choices after surgery can impact your healing and results.
Be sure you get adequate rest, good nutrition and don’t smoke. The general rule, however, is that you should allow at least 4-6 weeks for initial recovery following your surgery. Scars can take time to fully mature, sometimes up to a year or more. Swelling may take an extended period of time to fully settle. You will need to work with your Surgeon to allow for adequate and proper healing time.
You need to be willing to follow the specific instructions given to you by Mr Gittos, and attend all post-operative consultations. Be sure to wear the surgery tapes and splint as instructed and take advantage of the recommended recovery products to assist you during your healing and recovery.
Naturally there will be some bruising and swelling but this will heal quite quickly and discomfort can be treated with appropriate painkillers. You should take about one week off work and have plenty of rest. All strenuous activity should be avoided for a few weeks, as should any situation that could result in a knock to your nose! Successful rhinoplasty will give you the shape and size of nose that you really want, with minimal scarring.

Risks and Complications of Rhinoplasty Surgery
All invasive surgery carries risk. Mr Mark Gittos will make you aware of all possible complications during your consultation at our London clinic.
This includes general anaesthesia, bleeding (Haematoma), infection, wound healing, deep vein thrombosis, scarring and numbness. Always stay informed and healthy and do not smoke.
Rhinoplasty Prices – Nose Surgery Fees in UK – How much does a Nose Job Cost?
The cost of Rhinoplasty surgery is customised and you will be given a price for surgery in a detailed quote after your first consultation. This will include a Surgeon’s fee, Anaesthetist fee, Surgical Assistant fee and the hospital fees.
We can also provide information on Nose Surgery Health Insurance and different methods of payment & finance.
Further Reading – medical references
- ASPS USA – Rhinoplasty Surgery page
About Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) – London Plastic Surgeons
Practice locations in London & Essex, UK and Auckland, New Zealand.
Mr Mark Gittos offers high quality, natural-looking cosmetic surgery results and is highly experienced in Breast, Body and Face Surgery having performed over 4000 Surgeries in the last 26 years.
With world-wide expertise Mr Gittos is an expert in breast, face and body surgery for men & women.
Mr Mark Gittos is a leading Specialist Plastic Surgeon and operates a practice in London UK and Auckland New Zealand. His practice focuses on both surgical and non-surgical procedures, each designed to help restore, improve or change a physical characteristic or problem. The first step in every case is to talk through your personal requirements and explore all the options, before deciding on the most effective solution.
Naturally, before any treatment is begun, we will explain clearly the advantages and risk factors; so that you have the information you need to make an informed decision that is best for you. Visit the practice to find out more.

Do your Research
- Read the Website and Blogs relevant to your procedure
- Browse our Frequently Asked Questions including how to choose a Surgeon for your procedure
- Download the Guides to Surgery
What to Bring to your Plastic Surgeon Consultation
- Bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices
- Take lots of notes and read the documents provided thoroughly
- Want more information before scheduling your consultation?
Book your Initial Surgery Consultation
- A Referral from your GP or specialist is helpful but NOT essential – you can have a consultation without a GP Referral
- Email us or Call in London on 07557 858156 to arrange your surgeon consultation appointment.
- Secure your consultation with Mr Gittos by paying the Consultation Fee in advance
- A consultation with Dr Gittos is £195.
Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.
Send an enquiry form today or UK phone 07557 858156 during Clinic Hours