FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find FAQs about the London Plastic Surgeons practice, cosmetic plastic surgery and Mr Mark Gittos Plastic Surgeon in London UK and New Zealand.
How Much Will My Surgery Cost?
- Mr Gittos and his team can offer you a price range for your chosen surgery. This depends on the type of procedure, hospital and how long you want to stay in hospital. At your initial consultation, we will give you a quote, in detail, for your chosen procedure.
- Your quote will include a surgeon’s fee, anaesthetist fee, surgical assistant fee and the hospital fees. An approximate out-of-pocket expense for your surgery can be provided over the phone when you speak to a Patient Care Advisor. Visit the Prices Page for more details about fees
What Can I Expect at My Initial Consultation?
At your initial appointment with Mr Gittos you will typically:
- Have your photos taken
- Have a physical examination
- See before and after photos from past patients
- Find out more about your surgical options
- Receive detailed information about your surgery
- Go through the possible risks and complications associated with your surgery
- Find out about surgery pricing and available dates
Does surgery Hurt? – How Much Pain Should I Expect?
- Every surgical procedure has associated discomfort, and everyone is different in how they experience pain. The answer is yes, typically there will be pain associated with a plastic surgery procedure but it should be well-managed by your surgeon and patient care team. It can be difficult to predict pain levels for each individual person as there are too many variables to consider.
- Pain is often subjective to each patient based on their perception and sensitivity to pain. There are, however, several things that can be done by you and your surgical support team to help with the initial post-surgery recovery period. Whilst you may experience pain, particularly in the days following your breast surgery, it can be manageable by following Mr Gittos’ recommendations.
What Steps Can Be Taken to Minimise Pain after surgery?
- Mr Gittos’ approach to recovery is to do whatever he can to get you back to your normal life as soon as possible. He and the team are dedicated to keeping you as comfortable as possible during your pre-operative sessions, your surgical procedure and your healing & recovery time following surgery. Read more about surgery recovery in our blog articles.
How Long Will it Take For Me to Recover?
- Every patient is different and there are many health and lifestyle factors that may affect your recovery time. Generally, it can often take 6-8 weeks to fully recover from most plastic surgery procedures. Your recovery period will however vary and you will need to work with your plastic surgeon throughout this time. It is important that you listen to the advice from your surgeon and support team and advise them before returning to exercise or other similar activities.

About Mr Mark Gittos FRACS (Plast) – London Plastic Surgeons
Practice locations in London & Essex, UK and Auckland, New Zealand.
Mr Mark Gittos offers high quality, natural-looking cosmetic surgery results and is highly experienced in Breast, Body and Face Surgery having performed over 4000 Surgeries in the last 26 years.
With world-wide expertise Mr Gittos is an expert in breast, face and body surgery for men & women.
Mr Mark Gittos is a leading Specialist Plastic Surgeon and operates a practice in London UK and Auckland New Zealand. His practice focuses on both surgical and non-surgical procedures, each designed to help restore, improve or change a physical characteristic or problem. The first step in every case is to talk through your personal requirements and explore all the options, before deciding on the most effective solution.
Naturally, before any treatment is begun, we will explain clearly the advantages and risk factors; so that you have the information you need to make an informed decision that is best for you. Visit the practice to find out more.

Do your Research
- Read the Website and Blogs relevant to your procedure
- Browse our Frequently Asked Questions including how to choose a Surgeon for your procedure
- Download the Guides to Surgery
What to Bring to your Plastic Surgeon Consultation
- Bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices
- Take lots of notes and read the documents provided thoroughly
- Want more information before scheduling your consultation?
Book your Initial Surgery Consultation
- A Referral from your GP or specialist is helpful but NOT essential – you can have a consultation without a GP Referral
- Email us or Call in London on 07557 858156 to arrange your surgeon consultation appointment.
- Secure your consultation with Mr Gittos by paying the Consultation Fee in advance
- A consultation with Dr Gittos is £195.
Please contact us to arrange to book a consultation or to speak with our Patient Care Advisor.
Send an enquiry form today or UK phone 07557 858156 during Clinic Hours